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Share the Optimism!

Share the Optimism!

Which collaborators are you most willing to invite to your businesses? Are they cheerful, open people who see chances and opportunities at every step? People who have an appetite for life, convinced that they have a real impact on reality? Perfumes Optimism She and Optimism He were created exactly for them.

Learn more about fragrances: https://colwayinternational.com/news/content/jestes-optymista,2,475.html 

The Optimistic Welcome Program launches at 6th of November!

The reward for submitting the 50 P order in the welcome program will be the registration for 1 GBP and the possibility to pre-order Colway International perfume - "Optimism She" or "Optimism He" for 10,90 GBP  instead of 42,90 GBP. 

We think it's worth sharing optimism - every day, that's why every Member and Partner who registers two people in the Welcome Program will be able to pre-order on the same terms and get to know these unique fragrances.

Eau de parfum "Optimism She" and "Optimism He" will be the stars of Christmas sets available in the second half of November, so you should know the smell of optimism as soon as possible!

Rules Welcome Program

Create a Member account from 6th to 19th of November. Place an order for min. 50 VP The cost of setting up an account: 1 PLN, 1 EUR, 1 GBP, 10 KC. Choose the prize: Optimism She or Optimism He at the sale price.

Who can use the Welcome Program?

• Ones changing status from the client to Partner.

• New people.

Price of perfumes in the Welcome Program:

49 PLN / 11,90 EUR / 10,90 GBP / 310 KC

Areas taking part in the Program:

All except Ukraine.

Rules of the Invite Program

Invite two members directly with an order for a minimum of 50 VP from 6.11 to 19.11 and choose the prize: Optimism She or Optimism He at a promotional price.

Who can use the Invite Program?

Each Member and Partner of Colway International.

Price of perfumes in the Invite Program:

49 PLN / 11,90 EUR / 10,90 GBP / 310 KC

Areas taking part in the Program:

All except Ukraine.

How to promote the fragrances "Optimism She" and "Optimism He"?

• Share posts from the official fanpage with your partner link and information about new products,

• Say it is a unique, limited product,

• Send article / link to the article for customers / via the partner link. In the article you will find a detailed description of the fragrances,

• Encourage the customer with a sale price of 10,90 GBP instead of 42,90 GBP. 

• Have a bottle of Optimism with you and share the fragrance as often as possible!

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